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The Build

I've got no plans to start the build of this car in the immediate future. The experience of building my Fury R1 taught me that time spent doing research is well time well spent. It is a lot cheaper to fix things on paper! The build may start in 2013, depending on how some of my other projects go. Having said that, there are some areas I am now working on. These are all 'upgrades' to my Fisher Fury R1, which is being used to test out designs and new implementations.

When I started building my Fury, I very quickly realised that I needed a visual end goal, something to help me maintain focus and motivation. Building a car is a big project, with a completion date that can look very distance and unreachable. When I was building my Fisher Fury R1, it was this tweaked photo of what I was aiming to build that kept me going:

I've done something similar for this car and this tweaked photo is the closest representation so far of what I'm aiming to build:

My tweaked rendering

This is a chronological view of progress:




The Build By Category

With this website and build, I'm structuring and indexing the content documentation so that a view of progress by category is also possible:


Useful Links

Sylva J15 Build Diaries

Sylva R1ot Build Diaries

Top • Last page update: 02 Apr 2014